Wats up guys?
Its soo early but I open my comp already.not even at 8 yet.Still 7.08am...
Searching for my cca song lyrics laa dey...
Soo many things happened these few days.Thursday,shiiioook seh cca...We were laughing like mad and Fikri had injured my arm until my arm got bruces...Stupid laa tat boy...Only noe how to bully girls...
Then,yesterday,Zhi Yu taught us in Maths class...Cool right...
Then in malay class,Amirah was heartbroken.Cant tell th reason why...Shhh...
Then,mash potato didnt come.So,me,Aaron,Madhu,Derrick,Khairul n Ellester played heart attack...If u noticed,I was th only girl played.
The one who get hit or the one who hit but didnt bit anyone's hand must do forfiet...Suckers..
I did two forfiets...
First,did th sisi act to Fikri,because,he is like one!
Then,I did a split...Perfect sia!!!I was like,how did I did tat???
The guys were shocked...Me too...
Then,that Madhu state already...Im dissapointed with his choice...I noe her.My best friend.Not gonna tell u who...She wants me to keep it as a secret...Not Atiqah laa of course...They are like enemies u noe...
I have to go now...
Im doin this secretly actually...