19 September 2016.
It was a nerve-wracking day for me. This day made a 180 degrees change to my life. Sometimes, I wished I could turn back time and run away from reality instead, but it would only mean that I'm a petty loser if I do so. Since I made this decision, I had to "face the music".
Singapore Press Holdings from a different perspective. |
This is where I spend 1/3 of my day every weekday. |
Started my 19th with a new beginning (the day before, on 18th September, was my birthday by the way). My school sent me for a 5-month internship in
Berita Harian (BH) as a journalist.
Before the new beginning, my school wanted their students to choose the best four out of the 12 choices listed for our internship. I remembered choosing radio, journalism, publishing, and also something to do with video editing (I can't remember the term, but it has something to do with promotions).
I've always wanted to do radio and to be very honest, it has always been my dream to become a deejay in the Warna 94.2fm, the Malay radio station. Other than the chance to get close and personal with the listeners, I really wanted to meet celebrities, lots of celebrities! (that was my number one reason and motivation to stay in this industry hahaha😅)
However, the school chose the "journalist for radio" position for me instead. So I, whom had ZERO knowledge on the current affairs (I still do because I don't like reading the newspaper. Oh the irony!), failed the knowledge test. I was so disappointed because I missed my chance to enter the radio industry (I cried over it, what's new🙂).
However, my lecturers didn't want to give up on me, so they sent me to BH. I was praying to God, please please PLEASE let me pass the test and interview because I didn't want to go to the production line (if I were to fail the test again, I need to go to a production house and spend the rest of my five months there. At that point in time, I was already doing production work for my Final Year Project, so I think I would vomit blood if I were to face it for another five months lol). Alhamdulillah, I passed. I was so happy, I think I cried (AGAIN) hahahahah😆
Obviously, it didn't end there. I didn't understand the actual job scope of a journalist. The only thing I had in mind was "journalism involves writing, maybe I can do well". Keyword, maybe. I thought I could wing it perfectly because I love writing, I always have. I forgot that I have to go out and conduct interviews. God damn it, I
Took photos for the monthly award with this team in 2017. |
Day One.
As I stepped into the cemetery-like office to the secretary room on my first day of internship, I had a major culture shock. There was no one (okay there were people, but not that many). The office was super quiet, I thought my footsteps were louder than anything else.
Whatever shown in the movies, it was all a LIE. The chaotic scene in the newsroom, people running around the whole office, calling here and there loudly, it NEVER HAPPENED. (Okay maybe it did happen, but I think it only happened like less than 10 times throughout my entire two years?)
Moving on to my first job. I was with my colleague, Irma, and we had to interview this kid who was active in K1 kart sports. I was so thankful because my task was to only write, and not to interview. I was such a rookie, and to be frank, I didn't know what to ask. So I pathetically just sat there, staring at the blank air while listening to Irma conducting the interview.
I took quite some time to do the
story (the newsroom term for articles) because I transcribed the interview audio word for word. Also, since we didn't take Malay in polytechnic, I didn't have a chance to write in Malay. So my Malay was really rusty back then.
This is when the funny story comes in.
I did a double check, triple check, basically more than the amount I can think of. And since I always get an A1 for my Malay in school, I thought I was a pro and was very sure that my story was perfect, and I'm gonna wing it because hell nah, there ain't any mistakes right there.
But ummm, oh well, I was WRONG.
My Malay was so HORRIBLE (my colleague, Fathin, read my unedited story, and told me that it was horrendous) that the sub-editor changed EVERYTHING. I was appalled when I read the final piece because it was a whole new different story altogether. From that situation onwards, I realised that I have to buck up.
Okay, before we continue, let's take a look at some of my photos in BH, shall we?
My BH fam celebrating my birthday (along with the other September babies) last week. |
All of us coincidentally wore pink, so (front row, from left) me, Hadi,
(from left) Fathin, Kak Haiza, Aisyah, and Humaira
took this chance to snap a photo together. |
Moving on to my first interview. I was sweating buckets. I wanted to cry. I had to write down the questions because I wasn't spontaneous enough. I look peaceful and calm on the outside, but the fact is that I'm nervous as hell. I think I can hear myself trembling lol. I had to refer to my notebook each time I asked a question. Thank God my interviewee was nice!
My first time interviewing live on stage in front of a crowd and I almost peed in my pants because I was super nervous. Thank God everything went smoothly, Alhamdulillah. |
Also, not to forget, my first phone interview. If there is one thing that I hate more than conducting interviews, it will definitely be phone interviews a.k.a
My first phoner was with Singapore's Malay comedian, Hussein Saaban. It was hella scary because one, I HATE calling people (I would do anything to avoid making calls) and two, I had to interview a well-known person. So, making an interview through a phone call is a bad combination. *cries a river*
Rising star, Syafiq Farhain ft me who was struggling to take photos. |
Being in a newsroom, especially with limited manpower, we journalists have to know on how to multitask. When I first started, I had no clue on taking photos and not much knowledge while handling videos. I was so stressed that I felt like I was going to cry (I think I'm a crybaby lol).
The photo on the right was me struggling as I tried taking photos of this rising star, Syafiq Farhain. I might look calm, but I was really panicking because it was my first time taking photos of celebrities, so I had no idea how to take that kind of photos. So what I did was to just "rembat" (anyhow) and took the photos.
However, as I go along, I learn to pick up these three skills
— photography skills, videography skills, and video editing skills.
The best part of my job? Of course is when our story made it to page one, especially if it's our own story. The story below is my own story for BH's front page in 2017, on the day students get their O-level results.
My first front page story.
Okay, I take back my words. Maybe it's not only about getting my stories to the front page.
I also feel happy whenever I witness my newsmakers (interviewees) getting excited when they see themselves getting featured in the newspaper.
Sometimes too, through the interviews, I get to listen to heartbreaking and moving stories and honestly, it changes my perspective so much about the world. It makes me feel motivated to do the write-ups and videos so that I can get to share their stories with you, you, and YOU.
With one of the interviewees for a video interview. This couple got married last year at the age of 70.
Check out the story and video on BH's website and Facebook page. |
BH iftar with Sufie Rashid and girls from the Pertapis home. |
Remember when I mentioned that I wanted to meet many celebrities at work? I guess God has fulfilled my wish because I was given the opportunity to not only meet but to do interviews with so many celebrities, living legends, and definitely my idols! GAHHHHH!!!
My favourite singer of all time, Syamel. I ran after him for the sake of a photo.
After an interview with rising star, Haqiem Rusli. |
After a video interview with Wany Hasrita. |
I used to have a girl-crush on this Indonesian singer, Rossa. |
The Malay rock living legend, Ella. |
With my Mr Jampi, Hael Husaini after the AJL32 press conference. |
Malaysian's heartthrob, Syafiq Kyl |
With the Best vocal winner in AJL for straight three years, Dayang Nurfaizah. |
Singapore's multi-talented celebrity, Hannah Delisha,
who made it big in Malaysia. |
Malaysian's music icon, Mr FT, Faizal Tahir. |
Malaysia's Smule king, Khai Bahar. |
Me and my former intern colleague, Aliah, together with the beauty with brain, Farah Nabila. |
Fathin's husband-material (as she claimed), Fikry Ibrahim. |
A wefie together with my fave baby-celeb, Ariff Jiwa!
(and his parents of course hehehe) |
The MeleTOP queen, Neelofa (middle) ft Kak Haryani (extreme right),
Humaira (blue tudung), and me, the potato. |
I actually have more photos, but I think there's too much to upload for this post. So I recommend you to go to my Instagram, @Mardhiyah_Yazid instead to check out more teehee!😝
Two years have passed, am I am truly blessed to be here. I feel blessed for the opportunity to travel to places/concerts/events I never dreamt of going, like going for NDP and Anugerah Planet Muzik, and also travelling to Kuala Lumpur for Anugerah Juara Lagu 32 and Anugerah Meletop Era 2018.
Anugerah Planet Muzik 2017. |
Me and Fathin (right) at NDP 2018. |
I'm so blessed with a very understanding and generous supervisor. I am truly blessed with such a lively and friendly working environment, flexible working hours. I am definitely blessed with people who I treat like my own family.
My fave people in BH, Fathin (right),
and Syamimi(left).
Both of them are sisters by blood by the way.
Took this in 2017 during CNY eve. Gong Xi Gong Xi! |
This was taken after we had our lunch
at Enak Enak Restaurant at East Coast Park, sponsored by our dearest supervisor, Hadi.
Yes, that's right, we have the best supervisor! |
I can't deny that I went through so many ups and downs for the past two years in BH. Having haywire working hours (I ever started work as early as 5am and ended work as late as 3am!), less social life and family time, and so much more, but I guess, every job has its own challenge, right?
I always tell myself, no matter how hard it is, I will still survive and I shall not give up. I've crossed the path halfway and I shall not stop running and should instead keep on going.
So that's all from me. I hope that you guys benefitted something from this long ass post worth my two years in BH.
Lots of Love,